Consulting Services
  • Since 1983, AZ has been a strategist/advisor to the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts in Cape May, N.J., which is now one of the largest cultural tourism centers in the country.
  • AZ developed and produced V alley Goes Hollywood in March 2004 to promote 21 individuals in western Massachusetts, representing all facets of the film industry (technical and creative). The program was a talent showcase, work fair and assisted economic developers identify a burgeoning film industry in this region.
  • AZ founded Writer's Of Worcester (Mass.), at one time an affiliate of the National Writer's Union. The aim was to boost income for writers and promote their work.
  • She is a member of the Creative Economy Initiative, a New England-wide organization, that both boosts the arts and helps develop new industries that relate to arts and technology.
  • AZ has advised economic development and tourist officials in Pittsfield, Mass. about ways to promote existing arts/cultural activities in that city.

CREATIVE ECONOMY: A - Z International can help boost your local or regional economy by showcasing your talent and developing forums to spin new products and services related to the arts.

E-COMMERCE MARKETING: Many companies and institutions need help promoting their products and services over the Web. We can produce cost-effective e-commerce software solutions that will boost sales and make your efforts more efficient, and know the trick of producing the right content with the right marketing message. We also specialize in developing marketing plans that involve both New Economy and traditional methods such as media placement, forums, mailings, etc . . .

INFORMATION/KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: Knowing how information flows within your supply chain and supply network is crucial to business success today. And knowing how to develop strategies and products from your information data bases means getting a leg up on the competition. A - Z International in alliance with Technology Communication Group can help you with all of your information management needs. We can also create custom knowledge tools through Amherst Information Architects.

CUSTOM IT SOLUTIONS: Want to reach more customers, develop IT assessments or corrective action solutions? A - Z International in alliance with Amherst Information Architects can develop any IT solution you need for your business or institution.

IMPORT/EXPORT COMPLIANCE: As more and more companies and institutions head out onto the Web to conduct business they will find themselves operating in an international market. Knowing the ropes of importing and exporting is crucial to staying afloat in a global market. We have the experts who can guide you through the maze of rules and regulations governing this specialized arena.

STANDARDS AND MARKETS: Really savvy businesses and institutions know that the standards world is the place to go for a heads up on the technology and product trends of the future. A - Z International is the place to come for the research, assessments and contacts you need to play in the standards arena.

STRATEGIC MARKETING: A - Z International provides strategic marketing for individuals, companies, organizations, municipalities and regions. Here are some ways Amy Zuckerman and her team can help you grow:

A region may need a plan to promote its tech community through development of an entrepreneur showcase.

An arts organization may need to develop a Web-based forum for its members.

A corporation may need a white paper to back a new product line.

A small company may need to grow its name in a specific industry niche.

A publication may need articles or columns produced to build ad revenue and readership.

An individual entrepreneur may need to forge a new direction through targeted marketing.